Johannes Schreiter
Langen, 1980
Executed in collaboration with the Hein Derix stained-glass workshop in Kevelear
Two parts, total size 117 × 146.5cm
Milky-white glass, red flashed glass, black and brown vitreous paint, lead
Only piece of an alternative design for a window for the College of Art in Swansea, Wales
The Smith Museum of Stained Glass Windows, Chicago
Johannes Schreiter invented a type of picture known as a burnt or fumage collage (1959–89), which he translated into glass for a project in Swansea, Wales.
Die Fumage-Collagen 1958-1978: Mit einer Einführung von Klaus Hoffmann und Textbeiträgen von Hans H. Hofstätter und Günther Wirth, Hamburg, 1979.