Adolf Hölzel (1853-1934)

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Born in the German Moravian town of Ölmütz, the artist and teacher Adolf Richard Hölzel was a protagonist in the early days of abstraction and a pioneer of modernism. Although he only turned to glass-painting at a relatively advanced age, it became an important part of his output, which included the windows for the Bahlsen biscuit factory in Hannover (1916–17), the town hall in Stuttgart (1928–29), the Pelikan works (1932–33), and the firm of Maercklin in Stuttgart (1933–34).

The website of the Adolf Hölzel-Stiftung has a detailed biography and information on Hölzel’s work as a glass-painter. 

Marion Ackermann, Gerhard Leistner and Daniel Spanke (eds), ‘Kaleidoskop. Hoelzel in der Avantgarde’, Kunstforum Stuttgart 2009, Heidelberg, 2009, pp. 16–25

Alexander Klee, Adolf Hölzel und die Wiener Sezession, Munich 2006, pp. 153–55

Karin von Maur, Der verkannte Revolutionär: Adolf Hölzel. Werk und Wirkung, Stuttgart, 2003, pp. 90–95, 146–55, 177–83

Wolfgang Venzmer, Adolf Hölzel - Leben und Werk, Stuttgart, 1982, pp. 122–30, 160–68, 188–94, 271–80

A dissertation by Ulrich Röthke on Hölzel’s work as a glass-painter is currently being researched.