Christoph Murer 1548-1615

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Christoph Murer, along with his father Jos (1530-1580) and his brother Josias Murer (1564-1630),  is one of the most respected designers and glass painters in Switzerland. His works are hallmarked by both artistic quality and ingenuity. He was an universal genius and the most important and successful glass painter of his time in Zürich. Along with a rich fund of stained glass designs and and templates, which lastingly shaped glass painting of the 17th century,  he also created book illustrations, as well as being a painter, cartographer, topographer, etcher and author.


The influence of his drawings can be found in the graphic art of Dutch paintings of those times and in the works of Tobias Stimmer (1539-1584) and Jost Ammann (1539-1591).


Barbara Giesicke / Mylène Ruoss, Dicitonary entry for Christoph Murer in: Biographical Dictionary of Swiss Art, Hrg. Schweizerisches Institut für Kunstwissenschaft Zürich und Lausanne, Zürich 1998, Bd. 2, S. 769; zu Jos Murer S. 770.

Christoph Murer - WIKIPEDIA